Slotted Rotors
Todd Phenneger
tquattroguy at
Sat Sep 30 02:32:43 EDT 2000
While a hot brake disk may not have moisture on it, Driving around in deep snow and heavy deep rain sure as hell does get them wet and after say 10 minutes on the highway in 6" snow when you slam on the brakes (or rather ease into them) wet disks dont stop. IMHO (and the exp of many rally drivers) slotted rotors do clean the moisure off and thus eliminate that moment of panic when you feel you have no brakes. Granted, cold pads sometimes dont work to well but some do. Comparison is with same pads that work great when cold, jsut not wet.
Also, the cleaning action also works for Mud, dirt, grime (that includes brake dust) etc. I like draditional slotted rotors better than powerdisc's because they clean better. water is a non issue of comparison but mud and dirt is. The ATE's dont give it anywhere to be thrown, other slotted rotors do. If you live in LA or somewhere where you get now snow and mud then they are fine, otherwise I prefer the other options.
Just my opinion. And in response to Greg's question, I believe that most people install with the slots moving backwards. IE< the hub portion of slot leads the outer portion when driving forward. The other way tends to suck the pads in which I remember from a theread a few months ago some people liked for soem reason. But I think most havbe them suck out.
Kwattro at wrote:
In a message dated 00-09-29 23:44:01 EDT, you write:
<< On the other rotor, the slots are front slash /. Which rotor goes on
the left side and which goes on the right? Does it make any difference? It
seem that in one instance the squeezing brake pads will cause the gases
moisture to flow towards the hub and in the other instance they would flow
the edge of the rotor. Which is better and why?
Greg J
Get Ate powerdiscs (radius cut rotors...) , and remember that there isn't any
moisture on a activated brake disc, and the pad compounds of today do not
generate gases like old compounds. So what are the slots for? Massive
amounts of brake dust - they provide a channel for it. For those interested,
this was from a BMWCCA school lecture on brake performance, in which I asked
a brake expert (the founder of DECH mustangs, which mostly concentrate on
braking/suspension work) if I had spent the money in the right area by
getting slotted instead of drilled. The answer was a resounding yes, with
the aforementioned explaination why...
Carter J
Kwattro at
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Todd Phenneger
83' ur-q (awaiting a 20vt)
84' 4ktq fun but I'm sick of CIS.
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