WRX or S4 test drive.

TheRingmeister at aol.com TheRingmeister at aol.com
Sun Apr 1 01:19:19 EST 2001

You've obviously never called me for a test drive of either.  If you're 
willing to make it to Winston Salem, I'll be happy to let you drive either an 
S4, Avant or sedan, tip or manual, or a WRX.  We've got a few of each, and at 
least 2 WRX's available for sale, auto or manual....take your pick.  

BTW....you'll pretty much always get a smile out of me at the thought of a 
test drive.....***especially*** on an S4 (or a WRX)

Wylie Bean
TheRingmeister at aol.com
Audi Brand Specialist
Flow Motors, Inc
Winston-Salem, NC
'90 coupe' quattro
'99.5 A4 Avant Sport 1.8TqTiptronic

In a message dated 4/1/01 12:51:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
quattro-request at audifans.com writes:

<< Just like the S4, the WRX is aimed at a pretty small audience, and 
 like the S4, sales are good; they're presold for the next 2 months. 
 The funny thing is, you won't see an Audi salesman give this kind of 
 attention, and be as psyched about a test drive.  Half of this guy 
 wanted the sale, half of him just wanted to go for a drive on a great 
 spring day and talk cars...or he's a damn good actor. >>

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