4ksq no start :( el fin

Marc Swanson marcswanson at mediaone.net
Sun Apr 1 21:36:39 EDT 2001

> One word www.thepartsconnection.com
> Ask for Rod, he's always treated me like I was his favorite next door
> customer, and has the prices to back up his personality to boot.
> Mention the
> list as well when you order.
> No affiliation, just a very satisfied customer,

I'll put in a second for Rod @ TPC.  He NEVER ships the wrong part and his
prices are hard to beat.
expect to spend about $75-$90 or so for all the parts you will want to
replace while you are there.

Don't forget to get your hands on a 2084 crank locking tool.  You can do
without most of the other tools but I'd use this one rather than the
alternative which is to shove a bolt into your bell housing to stop the
flywheel from turning...


/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+Marc Swanson                          +
+                                      +
+http://marcswanson.ne.mediaone.net    +
+                                      +
+87 4kcstq                             +
+88 90q                                +
+85 4ksq                               +
+87 5ktq   donor (Parting out)         +
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

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