rad flush

Richard J. Andrews tech at flashmail.com
Tue Apr 3 12:29:17 EDT 2001

disconnect a heater hose and connect a garden hose....
flush everything out this way...
works pretty good..
make sure you use either the orange coolant or the Autobahn...
no green stuff... trust me...
did a thorough flush on my 4kq and the coolant still looks great 10Kmiles 
looks brand new now..
good thing to do is replace the coolant reservoir as well.. if it's 
yellow.. only  $60 or so and well worth it, new cap too..
change any/all hoses... if you're gonna do the job do it once and right...
you can also remove the radiator hoses and flush the radiator out..
thermostat & gasket would be a great idea... and you can flush the block 
really easily once the
thermostat is removed.
I tend to prefer the garden hoses method over any flush additive...
ramble mode off..

'86 4kq
At 09:06 AM 4/3/01, you wrote:
>(type mc) want to overhaul cooling system Bentley is a little slim on it any
>86 5kt 120k miles
>87 5kt 130k miles
>jay d.

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