Canadian S4

Lee M. Levitt lee at
Wed Apr 4 00:37:43 EDT 2001

Jim Bonnet <jimbo at> writes:

> I have no idea what it may cost but the gauges(US)are listed in the family
> album.. Also, I have heard that Kar Quattro gets cars from Canada they may
> know of a way to go about changing the gauges..
> But.. Hey! It may be kind of cool to have km/h in your urS4!

BTDT. Ran a Canadian speedo in my '88 Volvo turbo wagon.

It is quite a conversation piece, particularly when someone looks over and
sees that you're doing an *indicated* 150...

Got pretty good at converting between km/h and mph. Actually thought about
doing the same on my S6. Nah. Hmm. Well, maybe :)

Karquattro has a Canadian S6 instrument cluster for sale for $350... hmmm...

'95.5 S6 avant
'96 A6 quattro avant

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