Oil Consumption woes or normality?

Leah and David Mueller muellerl at cadvision.com
Tue Apr 3 22:39:28 EDT 2001

Thanks Huw. I would say that it is being burned.  Engine and floor of garage
are very clean. I will check compression.  Then if that looks reasonable, go
to the valve seals.  The car does emit some smoke before warmed up, so that
makes sense to me.  I don't know about doing this myself, but I am more game
for this as I gain some more experience.  There is always a first time, but
could I get in over my head with this, or just have to give up and take the
car to someone else?  By 'over my head', I mean could I scew something up so
that the repair is far past what I bargained for?  Like losing pressure and
having something fall into the cylinder? What pressure do you feed the air
into the cylinders at?  I then change seals and then lifters after?  I have
Bentley and Haynes manuals.  I am good at reading instructions.  Just may
have some silly questions to start with. Is this kind of stuff on your site
too Huw?


> changing the lifters will quiet them.
> oil consumption could be..
> leaky valve stem seals (see earlier post!)
> leaking or damaged rings
> scored or worn cylinders
> these three burn the oil, so it sorta disappears.

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