New Battery (and securing clamp bolt)

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Wed Apr 4 15:46:51 EDT 2001

This is the battery under the rear seat, right?  The other locks opened by 
the driver door lock (doors and trunk) operate off a  vacuum motor system 
(there's a little vacuum motor associated with the other locks) that's 
activated by an electrical connection in the driver door lock.   Your new 
battery might have given a bit more "spark"  to let the system work, I 

At 12:30 PM 04/04/2001 +0100, rob hod wrote:

>     Fitted a new battery yesterday, main dealer item as always, and after
>discount only a little more expensive than other sources.
>     Interesting thing was that this seems to have resulted in the drivers
>door central locking springing back into life again. After a previous foray
>into the door wiring to fix the inevitable fatigue breaks, the drivers door
>lost its ability to unlock all the other doors. this didn't worry me much
>because more often than not there are no passengers, perhaps audi think
>their customer are really popular people and always hang around in gangs of
>four, anyway the passenger door was still able to lock or unlock all others
>so I left it like that. Having fitted the new battery the drivers door
>starts operating them all again. Is it possible that some electronics have
>been 'reset' by the power outage?
>     The 5 min.  battery replacement itself turned into a  PITA when the new
>battery somehow meant that the old securing clamp bolt was no longer
>interested in reaching its hole. I came up with a great replacement which is
>a Vauxhall exhaust downpipe setscrew. The great bit being that it is a
>couple of mm longer and has a shouldered head, meaning you can position and
>start it with a socket instead of it disappearing up inside the socket. I
>don't know if you can get it in the states, but it is a GM part so you may
>be able to , Number I have for it is - 11086982 "Screw hex HD M8x21". When I
>bought them (10 yrs ago!) they were 0.21 GBP each.
>     Cheers

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