Type 44 Turbo Steering Rack Replacement

Wallace White wallace at stanfordalumni.org
Wed Apr 4 08:41:23 EDT 2001

Houston -

This is an excellent time to replace the pressure hose from the pump to
the rack. It's a pain to change, just because the fitting is so close to
the firewall. But the hose is ~$90. 

The return hose from the rack is also hard to get to, but I wouldn't be
as worried about it failing, since it's not under pressure.

If you want to replace tie rods, this is a good time for it; they have
to be detached from the rack but not from the other end.

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 172k

Houston Texas wrote:
> Hello again listers,  I have a few questions about the steering.  My
> local shop is going to replace this on  Thursday.  I want to know if
> there is anything else that should be replaced while they have it out,
> like bushings or seals?  I want them to install the steering damper as
> mentioned on the SJM site, but thats the only thing I could think of.
> Maybe tie-rod ends or something.  If you can help me with any
> suggestions, please jump right in.
> Houston

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