5K Gas Smell on Shutdown

Jack Gagnon bullitt at cybertours.com
Wed Apr 4 23:06:46 EDT 2001

Check for wet spots near the fuel accumulator (beneath rear pass door).  I
had the fittings rot out there last summer.


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of Steve Sherman
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 9:45 PM
To: quattro
Subject: 5K Gas Smell on Shutdown

My 87 5KTQW has recently (for a month or so) been giving off a gasoline
smell after shutdown.  If I return to the car say 5 min after turning it
off, a gas smell is very noticible.  I've looked under the hood but no
obvious leaks anywhere.  And the smell is not present housr later or in
the morning before driving.

I was curious if anyone has any ideas of what to check or common places
for such a leak to come from


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