88 5thou tach woes....

jim rose sf5ktq at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 5 10:56:52 EDT 2001

i pulled codes a while ago, when the tach problem was a lot less frequent, 
and got nothing.

i should try it again, it didnt occur to me that there might be a code for 
this. i don't know anything about the mechanism, wether its 
electricel/mechanical or some odd combination of both (likely : )

moisture seems to have no effect. and why are you driving thru very deep 
water? don't you want the Discovery Channel? you DON'T want to be the guy 
standing on the roof of his car in a 3foot torrent : )

thanks for the help...


>From: JCS_TX at webtv.net (Houston Texas)
>To: sf5ktq at hotmail.com (jim rose)
>CC: quattro at audifans.com
>Subject: Re: 88 5thou tach woes....
>Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 14:46:48 -0500 (CDT)
>The only trouble I've had with my tach is when I drive through very deep
>water.  Then after it dries, sensor I guess, it's back to normal.  Have
>you tried pulling codes yet?
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