fire department tom-foolery?

Brett Dikeman quattro at
Thu Apr 5 22:30:23 EDT 2001

Hell hath just broken loose in Harrison, NY.

Exiting the supermarket this evening, I pick up on the unmistakeable 
sound of almost 20 sirens, horns, etc.  As I said to one of the 
supermarket attendants, "what just happened, world war three?"

So, I figure I'll hear about later on the news or something.  Well, not quite.

No less than 1000 feet from the supermarket, comes a fire engine in 
the opposite direction, so I stay put at the intersection and put my 
flashers on.

And another truck.

and another.

and another.

This light, noise, and smell show goes on for a good 2 minutes while 
I'm passed by what could quite well be every single piece of 
firefighting equipment Harrison owns.  No ambulances, police, 
etc..just pumpers, tankers, and a ladder truck or two for good 

Any listers who are emergency personnel, and can fill me in on this? 
Joke on the citizens?  Slow night?  Dinner special at the local 
watering hole?  Fire station version of, well, a Chinese fire drill? 
The fire station is clear on the other side of town, and this was on 
a back road, by no means the most efficient way to get -anywhere-. 
No schools around, etc.

My best guess was that it was some sort of major-disaster drill(ie, 
fire chief throws a dart at the town map, says "a plane just crashed 


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