Need Supplier of MBZ Eurolight Lenses (LAC)

sjensen at sjensen at
Fri Apr 6 14:55:02 EDT 2001

What is the name of the supplier in the midwest U.S. that has eurolights and replacement lenses?  I picked up a set of eurolights from a Mercedes 81 300 SD (W126 body) and the left side has a cracked lens.  I called Metrix in Canada, they have it in stock but they called back to say the import duty would be $75.00!!!  Ouch!!  I have used Metrix in the past but this is the first time I've encountered this.

I think the company had a three letter designation - PGM, STP, something or other.  Anybody know?  Or any other company that sells replacement lenses?  I've already emailed Daniel Stern at, and Bekkers comes up on a Google search.  

MAC: I'm selling these MB eurolights to finance my continued Type 44 addiction.


-Steve Jensen
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