5KCSTQ: need an all metal rad. source

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Apr 6 18:53:55 EDT 2001

Modine at:   http://www.liland.net/Auto/radia.htm

At 01:55 PM 04/06/2001 -0400, randy paquette wrote:

>Finally gonna sping for a new radiator - mine, like most, has developed a 
>leak at the plastic endcap.  I live in the South and my car runs fairly 
>hot so I'd like to get an all metal version.  I know this had been tossed 
>about abit and was hoping for some sources and part umbers/prices of where 
>y'all got yours.
>I've heard that discount radiators has them - anyone used these folks?
>BTW, could also use a used (known good) condensor, too.
>Randy Paquette
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