'89 200 no start almost solved-need input

Burl Vibert blur at sympatico.ca
Fri Apr 6 21:49:38 EDT 2001

Hi Keith

I believe it is the RPM sensor, the timing reference is only
needed to start and not looked at while running.   I haven't
tried unplugging the RPM sensor to test this theory but recently
my timing reference went squirrly and didn't work when the engine
was hot.  It always started when cold and ran fine until I shut
it off but wouldn't restart once it warmed up.  Testing with an
ohm-meter verified it as open when hot and 1000ohms when cold.

BTW, I had to remove the mount for both sensors and literally
smash the rear of the sensor off and push it through as it just
wasn't coming out the other way.

Good luck.

Burl Vibert
1987 5kcstq
Kingston, Ontario

Keith Lawyer wrote:
> After months of no problems my no-start condition
> returned today.  First no-start today, I popped the
> hood and simply began wiggling connections (hall
> sender, etc).  The one that seemed to do the trick was
> one of the timing sensors.
>   Upon return to my driveway I left the car running to
> pull the codes . . . while idling it died.  Hmm, so I
> first swapped in a different fuel pump relay (being at
> home I had more time and parts at my disposal), tapped
> the coil, but again once I moved this wire for the
> timing sensor it immediately fired right up.
>   Here's where I need help:  the wire in question is
> one of the three connections on the firewall bracket,
> a white plug goes into a baby blue connector.  It runs
> to the driver's side of the block (here's where my
> description gets bad) and it's the one physically
> furthest from the block.  It looks as tho if I
> loosened the allen bolt I could rotate it, where as
> the other connection down there is trapped between an
> allen bolt and a "hard place" so to speak, it could
> not be rotated if loosened.
>   Is this making any sense. . ?  So, is this the RPM
> sensor or the timing reference sensor?  Would this
> cause a no-start AND dying-while-running condition?
>   Finally, I tried pulling codes after it died and
> would not restart but got nothing.  The check engine
> light just stayed constantly illuminated after 5
> seconds of cranking, then inserting the fuse and
> removing it. ..
>   Motor is an MC2.
> Much thanx,
> Keith L.
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