Tire recommendation for A6QA

Kelvin kelvin at ptdprolog.net
Sat Apr 7 14:55:40 EDT 2001

Larry C Leung commented...

>If you don't run hard (and not over 130) Dunlop D60's are H-rated, run
>reasonably well, are widely availible, and...... relatively cheap. 
>LL - NY
>On Sat, 07 Apr 2001 08:49:05 -0400 John Naitove
><naitove at bellatlantic.net> writes:
>>I need four new tires for my 95 A6QA. I had Bridgestone EL60's, which 
>>liked, but they didn't last very long. I am NOT looking for a
>>performance tire-- just a good, quiet, comfortable all season tire 
>>will last for a while. Any suggestions?

I've used two sets of Dunlop D60/A2 H-Rated tires on my '92 100CSQ, and 
am now on my third. I replaced the first two sets at after about 35,000 
miles even though they still had tread on them, largely because I don't 
like to run my treads to the limit. I've been very pleased with both 
their performance and wear. And they're not particularly expensive, about 
$60 a piece plus shipping, if you purchase them from Tirerack, or around 
$70 if you buy them locally. Good luck. They're not great in snow but the 
snow around here (Philadelphia/Reading) has never stopped me. 

Kelvin Kean

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