seeing double

Brett Dikeman quattro at
Mon Apr 9 17:21:12 EDT 2001

On Mon, 9 Apr 2001 cobram at wrote:

> You used to get beat up alot in school, didn't you.

Not particularly, but those who were on the giving end are either in
prison(one in particular was caught shooting at kids he didn't like with a
BB gun; thank the juvenile criminal system for letting him out again) or
working at a gas station pumping gas, whereas I work as a computer
professional making probably 3x what they do.

I call 911 or the state police hotline only in emergencies; where there is
a clear threat to life or property, and the driver is clearly endagering
the public.  Blowing by me isn't going to get you
reported; tailgating/flashing lights, darting between lanes with little
clearance...that IS.

The last call I made was regarding a 18 wheeler which was moving in+out of
crowded, end-of-weekend traffic, with barely a foot or two to spare, at
speeds well over the truck limit since he was a truck.  It was completely
dark, yet this particular genius's tactic to get people out of his way
involved coming to within a foot of your bumper, with his headlights
off(he's almost completely invisible), then switching them on+off
repeatedly("Hi there, I weigh several tons and can't stop in the distance
of a football field, yet I'm 12 inches off your bumper!")  He was driving
like he was in california with a couple of CHP chasing him.  I actually
thought he was going to ram me, that he might be deranged, drunk, or high
on some really interesting combination of drugs.


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