91 200, Trunk Lock

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Mon Apr 9 21:07:16 EDT 2001

At 04:15 PM 04/09/2001 +0100, hah at srv.net wrote:

> >Quats,
> >
> >I've recently noticed that the trunk is no longer locking with the central
> >locking system. I've got it locked independantly for now, but what do I
> >to check to get this fixed? I'm guessing there's a vacuum leak somewhere.
> >Any BTDT's?? Car in question is a 1991 200 fwd.
>Could be a galled ball bearing inside the trunk lock mechanism. Mine failed
>in the "always locked" position, but it could stick in the "always open"
>position. This sticking would cause the vacuum actuator to be ineffective.
>Take the cover off the latch inside the trunk and observe the rods and
>levers while someone else cycles the central locking. If the rod from the
>actuator is bowing instead of traveling back and forth, the sticky ball
>bearing is your problem. My fix: cut out the ball bearing with soldering
>iron, after copious lubrication failed to do anything.

I used a stiff knife blade or chisel (can't recall now) to spread the 
surfaces housing the ball and managed to work some white lithium-type 
grease into the area.  Really reefing on the lever the actuator is supposed 
to move got the ball broken loose enough the grease started to free it up 
so that it moves now just fine (a year later).

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