Hesitation and Stalling on 89 200TQA

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Mon Apr 9 21:29:53 EDT 2001

Idle Stabilization valve?

At 06:46 PM 04/09/2001 -0400, Bill Rowe wrote:

>Starts but stalls immediately.  Will not stall on 3rd attempt.  This has 
>always been an issue since I bought the car last summer but was 
>sporadic.  Now it's every morning.  Once it gets going it will on occasion 
>hesitate upon acceleration.  As time goes on it happens more frequently 
>even after fully warmed.  Tried the following w/ no progress:
>1.  inspected and cleaned distrib cap and rotor
>2.  replaced 02 sensor.  replaced temp sensor
>4.  replaced WOT switch
>5.  Plugs and wires have less than 10k miles on em
>6.  fuel filter has less than 10k miles on it
>7.  PO replaced fuel pump, injectors, accumulator less than 20k miles ago 
>and had car set to specs
>8. replaced fuel pump relay
>9. checked power to WOT switch connector
>What have I overlooked?  Is the stalling at startup related to the 
>hesitation?  Is my WOT switch set incorrectly?  Warm up regulator?

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