update: '87 5KCSQ finally attacked by electrical gremlins

Sheffield Corey shefs_audi at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 10 15:47:22 EDT 2001

Thanks Kevin and the rest of you who assisted,

Here's an update. After being on the charger all night
the battery was steady at 12.65 volts when removed. I
reconnected it and started the car...all the bad
lights were still there. And, the battery was slowly
discharging. "RATZ!" says I; time for a new
alternator. I decided to back the car out of my
girlfriend's garage; no reason for both of us to be
inconvenienced. I back the car into my usual spot and
look down...all the bad lights are off?!?! I get the
voltmeter and hook it to the battery and low and
behold I'm charging at 13.65 volts! I shut off the car
and restart it keeping my foot off the gas; no joy
battery is discharging. Slowly increase the RPM's and
at 1500 the sound of the fuel pump(rear seat is
removed) increases and voltage jumps to 13.6+VDC. With
high beams, rear window de-froster, hi fan, A/C and
radio all on I'm still making 12.5VDC. I still seem to
have the problems that the "Monkey Boyz" left me with,
but it would now seem that I also have an intermittent
charging problem too. After sitting all afternoon the
battery still reads 12.38VDC and the car has been
started more than a few times this AM, but not run for
very long.

I guess my best bet is to take it to the auto
electronics diagnostic guys and hope that they have
seen a few of these and that they didn't drop out of
school with the "Monkey Boyz". The root of my problem
probably lies under the dashboard and has been lurking
there since the heater core replacement. I had never
seen this problem until I pulled back the hi-beam
flashers the other night...the car SHOULD have been
charging then; it was being driven at the time.

Thanks again to the folks who replied to my request
for HELP!! May the Audi gods smile on you all...

As always,
         another stalwart Quattro fan,


--- "Phillips, Kevin" <kevin.phillips at barco.com>
> >ABS off light is on, the red handbrake and battery
> >lights are on weakly and the computer warning
> window
> >up top is beeping and showing the battery symbol
> >
> Nothing too serious, just a dead alternator or even
> the little blue wire to
> it has broken.
> For some strange reason no output from the
> alternator makes the 3 lights
> come on, all the other symptoms are just low
> voltage.
> Kevin Phillips
> BARCO Graphics Integration Team
> 40 Westover Road
> Ludlow MA 01056
> kevin.phillips at barco.com
> 1990 200TQ, 1995 900SET.

Sheffield Corey
'87 5KCSTQ
'87 XL600R
'66 Corvette Coupe
"Quattro: The way to GO! when conditions say: NO!!!"
But as a wise fellow once said: "4x0=2x0".

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