Lug bolts, sockets and tools

TM t44tq at
Tue Apr 10 22:56:20 EDT 2001

Amen to that. After switching the 5ktq back to summer tires two weeks
ago, I will never go w/o anti-seize again. All four wheels were quite
well bonded to the hubs, nice thick layer of salt and rust in between
the wheel and the hub. Fortunately, the lug bolts came off easily. I
put a coating of anti-seize on the hub itself as well as on the wheel
where it sits on the hub and on the wheel where it contacts the hub

I admit that I do not degrease the bolts before remounting them- when
I get around to getting an ultrasonic cleaner, I will do that.

Listers- while we're talking about lug bolts, can someone please give
me a recommendation on a brand of socket that will not round the corners
of my lug bolts? I have Craftsman sockets now and they don't cut it. I
can get Kobalt and Husky locally with ease; Snap-On with some effort
and Facom via mail order. Who makes the best 17mm 1/2" drive socket,
for use on lug bolts, cost no object?


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