
Edward Birch edwbirch at
Wed Apr 11 03:47:48 EDT 2001

> Subject: RE: Lug bolts, sockets and tools
Taka wrote......
> > Listers- while we're talking about lug bolts, can someone please give
> > me a recommendation on a brand of socket that will not round the corners
> > of my lug bolts? I have Craftsman sockets now and they don't cut it.....

IMHO the older Craftsman tools were better quality than today's efforts.
But not quite as good as Snap-On or MAC.  In the 1960's, I used a 3/4 drive
Craftsman breaker bar and Snap-on 36mm socket to break loose the rear axel
nuts on Volkswagen products.  Stood and bounced on the bar as needed, but
never broke the bar.

Ex-wife got most of the tools and tool box, and gave 'em to her then
boyfriend, soon to be new husband.

I wish him "skinned knuckles" each day he uses those tools.

Anyway, to answer your question. Use an impact type socket...17mm of 11/16
inch, which ever feels tight on the lug nut.  Buy a premium brand impact
socket if you prefer, or go with craftsman professional line.  (No made in
China stuff, please).

>can be hard to justify, but the way I look at it I buy tools to last me a

Now, if you really want tools that last a lifetime, tools that your grandson
can use......check out the line of German made hand tools.  Stahlwille,
Heyco, Elora, Gedore, VBM, Wiha, and Hazet, with their cute #162N tool box.
(A 162N recently sold on E-bay for over $800).  I had a chance to purchase a
new one for $40 in 1966, SIGH!

Enough of this....

Good luck with your selection..

Edward Birch...93-100S

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