Adivce needed on '95 90q

Todd Young tyoung at
Thu Apr 12 12:42:24 EDT 2001

Andrew Lundy wrote:
> Real QUICK main points.
> 1)  Oil consumption.

Not really, mine takes maybe a quart over 3000 miles. If I replace the
valve cover gaskets, it would probably be less.

> 2)  Oil leaks (usually at the head gasket for one place...and yes, I meant
> HEAD gasket).

Not common, but it happens, more often in the older V6s.

> 3)  O2 sensors go early and often.

I have to disagree here, both of mine lasted over 90K miles.

> 4)  A/C Evaporators are a somewhat common failure. ($PENDY to fix)

Again, have to disagree, mine is still original on a '93. Although
charging is a pain, unless you know the shadetree mechanic method for
doing it through the high side port.

> 5)  Catalytic converts go out often.  The '95's are covered by a 8yr/80k
> miles emission the car is still covered for a while there!!

Definitely agree here, but usually only the driver's side.

> 6)  Cars have a "dead" spot in the low RPM range.  "Dead" as in don't drag
> race anybody!!!

Disagree here, I took on a new Chrysler 300M, blew his doors off.

> 7)  Front end suspension clunks/rattles are also common

Replace upper strut bearing, A-arm bushings, and subframe bushings.

> 8)  Rear calipers are all 90's!

Disagree here too. The guide pins on the front and rear calipers MUST be
maintained. In other words, check and grease at least every 6 months.
Other than the guide pins, and one Ebrake lever sticking, I haven't had
any problems. I cured the Ebrake lever sticking by cleaning it out with
brake cleaner and then liberally squirting in lithium grease. 

Life's a beach. Dig your toes into the sand and enjoy.
Todd Young 		WAM!NET Inc.
tyoung at	655 Lone Oak Drive, Bldg #A
651-256-5051		Eagan, MN 55121
800-585-1133 ext.5051
'93 Audi 90S (|___\====OOOO====/___|)

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