I think I need an altenator

Mitchell S. Haskins mhaskins1 at home.com
Fri Apr 13 19:00:40 EDT 2001

When I deal with any repairs, I always try replacing the most-worn parts
first.  If it's just the cable, you've only spent about $20.00, including
the ride (unless it was a really good friend ;)) and the battery charge
(unless you have your own charger, which would reduce costs considerably).
Even if it's NOT the cable, you've taken care of an up-and-coming problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of HDwatki at aol.com
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 11:40 PM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: I think I need an altenator

    My 4kq died on the road yesterday on my way home from work.  That
when I started her up all of her warning lights stayed on.  Then on my way
home the electrical system faded away.  I got a ride home,along with my
battery and recharged it.  When I went back to the car Iin a few hours it
started right up soI figure the problem was the altenator or the voltage
regulator.  Well sence the regulator is cheaper I went out and got one and
installed it.  What a pain!  Well after putting it back together nothing had
changed so I guess I need an altenator. Can I was a 90watt Bosch altenator
from a 5000 in my car or is it a special altenator.  Although I live in the
D.C. area it's still hard finding parts for a 4000 quattro around here.  I
also noticed that the cable that connects to the battery from the altenator
is in very bad condition.  What is the possibility that this cable is to
blame.  I love my car but some times ..........

85 4000 Quattro (a little under the weather)

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