Cryo Frozen Rotors

Brian O'Neill briano_72 at
Fri Apr 13 17:46:00 EDT 2001

the boss is at mid ohio this weekend in the a4t with
the porsche club. it has 993 calipers, a8q rotors with
slots, frozen and new p/f 83 compound pads. ill let
you know on monday how they worked out at track temps.
are you tracking your car ?? if not the frozen rotors
would probably be a waste. 
                                      brian o'
93 90 cs
90 80
88 944 turbo s-for sale

--- Alexander van Gerbig <Audi_80 at>
>     I am considering have some rotor cryo frozen and
> I am wondering about
> experience with this and companies who offer this
> service.
>     Anyone done this with two piece rotors?
>     I have looked at and I think
> that is the place to send
> the rotors, but at $56 each I think that is a bit
> pricey.  Anyone know
> another company that does this for less if I ship
> them new two piece rotor
> rings?
> TIA!
> Alexander van Gerbig -- '88 80
> The Audi  80 Pages-----------------
> North Ferrisburg, VT 05473

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