Ex lister....

Sheffield Corey shefs_audi at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 15 10:50:02 EDT 2001

Along the same line...

I was watching a rally from Nevada on SpeedVision last
week and saw Paul Timmerman, of "Schappnel Knobben"
fame, running a vehicle I did not recognize. He had a
young lady riding right seat with him and his progress
was shown and mentioned more than once. I do not
believe he placed in the top three of his class, but
he was making a decent show of it.

I hope that all of you are having a fine Easter.



>Places 6th in the Oregon Trails Rally last week 4/8
>BUT he's now
>running a WRX. Remenber Ramana Lagemann??? It looks
>like he's
>running the full SCCA Pro Rally Tour.

Sheffield Corey
Wickford, Rhode Island U.S.A.
'87 5KCSTQ
'87 XL600R
'66 Corvette Coupe
Quattro: The way to GO! when conditions say: "NO!!!"
But as a wise fellow once said: "4x0=2x0".

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