200TQ loses "oomph" at higher speeds..

Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Mon Apr 16 13:22:26 EDT 2001

It's just your wallet holding back  :-))
As Eyvind obviously has forgotten, we have a max speed limit of 90 kmh
(56 mph) here in Norway so this is merely a theoretically problem.
Nah, just playing ya, Eyvind :-)

Seriously, is it doing this only in 5th, passing 160? This doesnt make
sense, except if the wind pressure is confusing some air sensors. Are the
air intake hoses lined correctly? And does the car behave the same in
other gears, like in 3rd or 4th? If it is not, it has to be either some
speed sensor acting up, or problems with air confusing maybe the AFM or
something. I have to admit I dont have much experience with Turbo's but
still airing some thoughts here.

92 Cabrio 2.3E

Eyvind Spangen wrote:

> When my 200TQ gets over about 100 mph, it feels like it loses power
> suddenly. It pulls quite strong up to 100 mph, 1.3 bar indicated, but
> then the power disappears.. What could this be? The air filter is
> brand new..
> --
> Regards,
> ES

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