HELP!-5000 starter question...

jim rose sf5ktq at
Mon Apr 16 13:47:12 EDT 2001

thanks in advanve to anyone with advice...

well, i did a 4 day roadtrip this weekend without a single car related 
hitch. which was great, however,

i went to start this am , she started right up, but starter (i assume) made 
a very BAD squealing, "winding down" noise. like an idiot, i shut the car 
off, and tried again and all i got was a single "click". i let it sit, kept 
trying, and it would only "click" once and then stay VERY quiet.

the lights are all very bright, battery is 3 mos old + never been drained. i 
didnt get a chance to check anything else, as i had to scramble to borrow a 
car + get to work.

i really need to get it sorted tonight so that i can get to work tomorrow 
and wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction. my gut tells me 
it's the starter but i  was  thrown by some of the archived threads i read 
on starters+electrical problems. i wonder: if the starter was problematic, 
would it just click one time, or make more of an effort? assuming it is 
getting sufficient voltage? if i can narrow it down to "probably" the 
starter, i will pick one up on the way home and swap it tonight.

thanks, everyone.

btw - anyone have a honda they want to part with cheap? : )  KIDDING!

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