HELP!-5000 starter question...

Mon Apr 16 17:10:52 EDT 2001

sounds like a starter to me. I just replaced the one in my 5K last Thursday. Pep Boys had the best price on a re manufactured one at 119$ with a lifetime warranty. and they actually had it in stock unlike every other place  I called. very easy to replace. you will need to DISCONNECT the battery!!! then you will need a 13mm to remove the 2 cables from the starter an 8mm hex head and a 19mm wrench. This is also a good time to check all wires. I replaced about 1' of wire going to the solenoid cause it was corroded. also cleaned the connectors running from the alternator and the one going to the battery. it really is a very easy job.

good luck

Mike Guidotti
87 5KTQ
88 GTI 16v

>>> "jim rose" <sf5ktq at> 04/16/01 03:47PM >>>
thanks in advanve to anyone with advice...

well, i did a 4 day roadtrip this weekend without a single car related 
hitch. which was great, however,

i went to start this am , she started right up, but starter (i assume) made 
a very BAD squealing, "winding down" noise. like an idiot, i shut the car 
off, and tried again and all i got was a single "click". i let it sit, kept 
trying, and it would only "click" once and then stay VERY quiet.

the lights are all very bright, battery is 3 mos old + never been drained. i 
didnt get a chance to check anything else, as i had to scramble to borrow a 
car + get to work.

i really need to get it sorted tonight so that i can get to work tomorrow 
and wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction. my gut tells me 
it's the starter but i  was  thrown by some of the archived threads i read 
on starters+electrical problems. i wonder: if the starter was problematic, 
would it just click one time, or make more of an effort? assuming it is 
getting sufficient voltage? if i can narrow it down to "probably" the 
starter, i will pick one up on the way home and swap it tonight.

thanks, everyone.

btw - anyone have a honda they want to part with cheap? : )  KIDDING!

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