FS: 87.5 CGT

Motor Sport Visions Photography msvphoto at pacbell.net
Mon Apr 16 15:37:16 EDT 2001

How many kids do you have? Reason I ask is this, friends don't let
friends buy minivans ;-) We have three kids ranging from 8 to 12 and
haven't felt the need for one yet (and thank goodness my wife hates
minivans as much as I do).

Seriously, there are some good European station wagon options to
minivans (Allroad comes to mind but that is a bit of a financial stretch
for a family car). Older ovloV wagons make for great minivan
alternatives and are cheap and plentiful on the used market. 

Selling a CGT to buy a minivan? Gasp... The things we do ;-)

Mike Veglia
Motor Sport Visions Photography

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