(no subject)
njomele hong
njomhong at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 16 15:44:33 EDT 2001
> Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 01:50:03 -0700 (PDT)
> From: njomele hong <njomhong at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Speedring in santa Clara CA 4/17 at 6:30
> Hello fellow auto enthusiast!
> I have 6 spots reserved for an early week event at
> speedring in santa clara. See what the indoor cart
> racing phenomena is all about while communing with
> listmembers and interesting people that arent on the
> list.
> We can reserve the entire heat of 12 but we need to
> hurry. Speedring is a popular place.
> Please call speedring directly to reserve you place
> the Njomele Richards reservation. THe heat is at
> and we need to show up by 6:30.
> Hope you can make it. FOr more info and phone #'s.
> Anyone in the Berkeley alameda oakland area that
> a ride down in the carpool lane please email me
> directly. I only have room for one. maybe two if
> are under 100lbs. Rear seat of 944 is a joke.
> http://www.speedring-kartracing.com/
> Njomele
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