checking fault codes/ no check engine light

Calvin Krug ckrug at
Tue Apr 17 23:13:23 EDT 2001

I am having some intermittent starting problems with my '89 200Q, and 
attempeted to pull the fault codes on it last weekend. It's an early, 
single knock sensor model, so as I understand, the codes are read 
through the blinking of the check engine lamp.  My problem now is 
that my check engine light doesn't work.  Not when I turn the 
ignition on, or when I put the fuse in the fuel pump relay.  It's 
dead, and the bulb tests fine.  So, now what?
maybe someone could tell me what the starting problem may be.  Here's 
what it does.  It cranks fine, but only sometimes fires, and the tach 
needle doesn't move.  When eventually it does produce enough power to 
keep itself spinning, it runs very rough, like only a couple of 
cylinders are firing, and will stumble if I give it a little more 
throttle.  After anywhere from 10 to 20 seconds of this, it will 
maybe backfire and pick up speed.  Once I get it over about 2500 rpm 
once, it drops into a normal idle and runs fine from there on.
If I happen to have my tools with me, or I'm not in a hurry, I twist 
the key, and it starts right up on the first try.  This morning, I 
was running just a little late. Thirty minutes later, it started.  It 
almost made me wish I'd bought a Toyota  (ALMOST)  The problem seems 
to be worse if the car has been sitting for a few hours, like 
overnight.  Here are my prime suspects:  coolant temp sensor, cold 
start injector, or the always difficult to locate bad ground.
Any thoughts or similar experiences out there?

Calvin Krug
  I assume full responsibility for my actions, except the ones that
are someone else's fault.

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