Some Audi content and a thank you...

Larry C Leung l.leung at
Wed Apr 18 18:24:00 EDT 2001

Feel for ya babe. Now that I don't have a garage, nor second car......


On Wed, 18 Apr 2001 16:07:12 EDT DOUBLDz at writes:
>Dear fellow lister members, 
>As much as I've always said that you guys (and gals) are the greatest, 
>again, I am overwhelmed with the willingness of list members to help a 
>virtual stranger (with anything). It really does my heart good. I got 
>so many 
>kind responses to my "in need of a favor" post, you just have no idea. 
>you, thank you, thank you, you really are fantastic!!!
>As far as Baby is concerned. At age 6, I've been putting a ton of 
>money into 
>her. Its not been a good year. Some of it is routine maintenance 
>(which is 
>expensive all on its own) but other stuff went wrong like the whole 
>ignition-key-not-turning issue that ended up costing me a fortune, not 
>mention a rental car for two weeks (ouch!). I wish I could say I'd 
>learn to 
>do some of this stuff myself but I know that's unrealistic (I could 
>break a 
>fingernail or worse ;)) Its just sort of depressing that after finding 
>independent shop that I thought I could trust...well, I really think 
>dropped the ball on the whole ignition thing so I'm am left trying to 
>out who to turn to next. And worse yet, (cover your ears Baby) even if 
>I buy 
>a new Audi, I'd be once again at the mercy of the dreaded Schneider 
>Nelson. Ahhh, poor me ;(
>95A6q pearl

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