So now I know

Burl Vibert blur at
Sun Apr 22 23:32:53 EDT 2001

The Metro is made in Canada by Suzuki for GM.  I had a wagon with an
auto-tranny as a loaner while the 5k was out of commission.  It was
floored most of the time, it needed to be.  Top speed was 140kph.  But
yes, they are cheap.

Burl Vibert
1987 5kcstq
Kingston, Ontario

cobram at wrote:
> "Jim Haseltine" <Jim at> writes:
> > with a latitude & longitude grid. Took a look at the rear end and
> > there was GEO METRO.
> > If these cars are anything like what you guys say why one earth
> > would anybody want to import one into the UK? If the index number was a
> > correct age-related one (and it should have been) then it was a 1991
> model.
> I exported about 8 Geo's, 1995 model year to Brazil when they were new.
> The main advantage is that these things have "adequate" 3 cylinder
> engines that are miserly on gas, and NOT that bad when you consider the
> price. (Between 6-7.5K U$ new at the time.)  None of the cars have had
> any major problems, and parts are very cheap.  I believe the Geo's are
> made by Suzuki for GM.  There were 4 cylinder models etc. which I assume
> probably have as good a track record.
> I personally wouldn't want one though, as that most beloved of English
> philosophers Benny Hill used to say "I likem Big" although I don't think
> he was referring to automobiles....
> It's an appliance type of car, for non-motorhead types who want cheap
> reliable locomotion, and as such it's a "good" car.

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