audiguy account limit?

Marc Swanson marcswanson at
Mon Apr 23 09:52:29 EDT 2001

> I'm sure I'm about to get one too.
> This happens fairly frequently.
> Somewhere along the line, a mailer is
> broken and bouncing the message to the wrong
> address.  Those adept at looking at the headers
> might want to forward the bounces to the
> appropriate 'abuse' address.

That's one way to go about it, but that relies on his ISP actually giving a
damn.  Better yet, could somebody PLEASE remove him from the list?


/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+Marc Swanson                          +
+                                      +
+    +
+                                      +
+87 4kcstq                             +
+88 90q                                +
+85 4ksq                               +
+87 5ktq   donor (Parting out)         +
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

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