Brake pads

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at
Mon Apr 23 14:43:36 EDT 2001

If you think you'll ever hit the track get the Hawk HPS.  If not
get the Redbox.  Enough Said.  Performance Friction are great
but Pricey.  I bet not much different than the Hawk's.  Hawk has
little dust and is quiet.  YMMV.  I love mine.

--- Joshua Van Tol <josh at> wrote:
> I'm going to be replacing pads and rotors on my 87 5kcstq
> soon, and 
> I'm wondering if anyone has recommendations. I do mostly
> highway 
> driving, but like to use the brakes to their fullest extent
> from time 
> to time. I don't want brake squeal, but I can tolerate some
> dust 
> provided it washes off easily. I've heard good things about
> Hawk hps, 
> pagid (dunnon type), performance friction, and mintex red box.
> I'll 
> most likely be using the ATE atom grooved rotors, unless
> anyone has a 
> good reason why they're no good.
> -- 
> Joshua Van Tol -- josh at

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