timing belt change interval for V6

Brian O'Neill briano_72 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 25 03:59:56 EDT 2001

every 60k. the belt will last longer, but the pump
will  useually only go 60. mine lasted 120k. the belt
was changed at 60, but the shop was unfamillar with
the car and only did the belt. the pump was very noisy
though and when i changed it it was kinda hard to turn
by hand. do the belt, water pump, tensioner, idler,
and thermostat while your there. 
                                       brian o'
93 90 cs
90 80 
89 80
88 944 turbo s ( for sale )

--- Simon Allcorn <Simon.Allcorn at CARTESIAN.co.uk>
> Has any one seen any Audi documentation suggesting a
> timing belt change
> interval ? 
> Can't see it anywhere ...
> Simon  
> 92 90 q 100k

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