Another solution....(WAS:RE: Which ATF to use)

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at
Wed Apr 25 10:15:38 EDT 2001

Something else that can be used and I havent seen it mentioned yet in this
thread is using Marvel Mystery Oil.  SMJ even recommends using it and its
been sucessful in my car (87 5ktq) in quieting lifters.


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Sherman [mailto:spsherm at]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 10:04 PM
To: quattro
Subject: Which ATF to use

I've been following the ATF in the oil to clean things and quiet
lifters, and one thing I had not heard mentioned is which of the two
common types of ATF should one use.  As I recall (don't have any auto
trannies) there's Dextron and a Type F.  Is one better than the other,
does it matter?


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