4kcsq water pump installation?

Richard J. Andrews tech at flashmail.com
Thu Apr 26 17:16:28 EDT 2001

if you remove the front grill via one screw @ the bottom and four clips @ 
the top..
then remove the turn signal indicators in the bumper... via four screws...
then use a torx i believe it's a T-35 but might be a T-40/45 for the bumper 
remove the entire bumper...
now remove the power steering belt.. 13mm wrench and socket...
then remove the cam cover.. two  6mm allens... or vise grips..
now one you get this out of the way... you can see the water pump..

you might want to do the timing belt while you're at it..
only requires the removal of the harmonic balancer via a 27mm socket..
and of course the A/C and alternator belt...
but if you plan on skipping the T-belt (which i do not recommend skip this)

then remove the water pump which has one allen on the p/s bracket.. 6mm as 
i recall..
and two 13mm's...

now would be a good time to plug a garden hose into the hole where the 
waterpump was and turn the temp inside the car to heat.. so you can flush 
out the
block and heater core.

clean the surface of the clock where the waterpump is going very well with 
scotchbrite or fine sandpaper...
then assemble...


DO NOT over tighten the waterpump...
you will forever have noisy bearings...
trust me.. i speak from experience on this one..

and of course reassembly is reversal of removal..

'86 4kq (x2)

At 12:48 PM 4/26/01 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm about to install a water pump on my 86 4kq and am wondering about the 
>procedure.   Is it an easy install?    I've installed water pumps on other 
>cars but have never attempted it on this car.    Are there any tips that 
>can make the installation any easier?

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