4kq cam upgrade (Schrick/Blau vs. 2.3)

Kwattro at aol.com Kwattro at aol.com
Fri Apr 27 00:27:34 EDT 2001

In a message dated 01-04-26 19:33:57 EDT, you write:

<< How much performance (horsepower) can I expect out of this upgrade?  Blau
 claims a 10-15% hp increase and a 25% torque increase on theirs.  I have a
 Stebro exhaust, so that shouldn't be a limiting factor.  Will it make my
 idle rough?  Will the power increase be across all rpm's or just high rpm's?
 Will I loose low end power?  OK, that's about all my questions for now!
 '86 4kq >>

A few of us have recently done this, and it was covered pretty well, but I 
just got my GT running correctly, so let me add my two cents.  I used a 2.2 
solid lifter cam and had Elgin regrind it to 270, which several people have 
told me is equivilant to 272.  I also milled the head and installed a tubular 
header with 2.5 inch exhaust.  The car has a K&N filter (for better or 
worse), and ignition timing is somewhere around 10degrees advanced over 
stock.  I run 91 Texaco to prevent knocking, although it's probably not 
essential.  The car screams.  Very quick, especially above 4500rpms.  I 
didn't lose much low end, but note that I had to increase the timing quite a 
bit, and that made a huge difference in power delivery.  Idle is very lumpy.  
I don't think the cam is too high - it seemed to pull quite well, although 
the gearing is not quite ideal at this time for Limerock - third was a touch 
too short, fourth a touch too long.  I ran the car on the track last week, 
and I was able to run with a Porsche 944TS and a E36 M3 4door, only about a 
sec or so a lap faster than me.  Of course, the car has extensive suspension 
work, but the engine was a great part in helping that.  Many people were very 
impressed with how quick the car was out there.  Now, keep in mind, my GT 
probably weighs in at about 2300 lbs with gas, so that also helps, but the 
cam and exhaust really made a huge difference to me.  How that helps.  
Working on getting dyno numbers - one of these days, I hope...

Hope this helps.
Carter J
Kwattro at aol.com
1986 4000CS Quattro
1986 Coupe GT

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