2.7T improvements

josh Wyte josh_wyte at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 27 06:07:17 EDT 2001

What can I say?  I spent many winters delivering pizza
in Vail with that car.  I've *never* had a problem
with any of my cars getting stuck in snow that they
wouldn't have gotten stuck in with a stock

Esp in Boston, I mean, I can count on my hands the
number of times there was snow on the roads this past
winter.  That's in sharp contrast to Vail, where
there's snow on the roads all the time, and I still
didn't get stuck there!

Go for the suspension, you won't regret it.


--- Larry C Leung <l.leung at juno.com> wrote:
> Heck, my stock suspended GTi couldn't go through 8 -
> 10" of snow if there
> were any hills around, even with snowies. The
> non-stock shocks and front
> sway bar (SCCA Stock class legal) didn't help the
> snow performance
> either. 
> On Thu, 26 Apr 2001 18:00:00 -0700 (PDT) josh Wyte
> <josh_wyte at yahoo.com>
> writes:
> >I've run sport suspensions in all my previous cars
> and
> >have either lived in Cleveland or Boston area the
> >entire time.  I've always run
> >springs/shocks/swaybars/bigger wheels.  It's an
> >awesome combo that I heartily recommend.  
> >
> >I've *never* had any problems driving the car in
> >inclement weather or snow.  I've driven thru heavy
> >packed snow 8-10" deep in my old fwd GTI with no
> >problems.  Are you more prone to high centering? 
> >Well, yes.  However, not all that much more than
> >stock.  If it's really that nasty out, chances are
> you
> >shouldn't be on the road!
> >
> >I say go for it!
> >
> >-josh
> >
> >=====
> >Josh Wyte 
> >Momentum Motorsports
> >508-833-3024 After 5 pm EST
> >
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Josh Wyte 
Momentum Motorsports
508-833-3024 After 5 pm EST

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