Fuchs wheels

Jim Haseltine Jim at ur-q.freeserve.co.uk
Fri Apr 27 23:20:04 EDT 2001

Should they be painted or polished? TFA says zermatt silver (Y7Y) paint but
I've been told that they should be polished.

Its been a day for car spotting. On my way to collect the wheels, I dropped
down into Bingley from the moor and had an Integralle EVO behind me for a
couple of miles. Later tonight I saw two Corvettes, both in really
immaculate condition - one would be unusual in this area, but two at the
same time?
Saw my first red TT too - feel much the same about the colour as I do about
the blue. Don't go a bundle on them, I'd prefer them to be brighter.


Jim Haseltine

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