Just got Cool Audifans decals

Robert Myers robert at s-cars.org
Sat Apr 28 13:37:55 EDT 2001

Yeah, Todd.  But if anyone else wants a set they'd better hurry.  They are 
going fast.  I only have two or three hundred left.  :-)

Seriously, if anyone wishes to get a pair for his/her car drop me a note 
and/or send a SASE with a check for however many decals you want to me at 
the address in the sig file below.  The proceeds from the sale of decals 
(now that production expenses have long been met) go to "our beloved 
listmeister, Dan" (is that how that is s'posed to go, Dan?) to help defray 
some of his expenses for maintaining "our" list.

BTW, Dan, I need to send you another $100 for decals already sold.

At 09:16 AM 4/28/01 -0700, Todd Phenneger wrote:

>Heya everyone,
>   I just did something I meant to do a LONG time ago.  I got
>some of the Audifans.com  decals that Robert Meyers had made up
>some time back.  For anyone that isn't aware or thought about
>getting some and didn't, you should.    They are small maybe
>2x3" white oval static cling stickers to go on the inside of a
>window.  Have a large Q on them with   www.audifans.com on the
>lower edge.  Maybe Robert has a scanned image.  He can be
>contacted at
>Robert Myers <robert at s-cars.org>
>   Anyhow, they are only  $2.50 each so $5 a pair (one for each
>side or end of the car ya know) and are kinda cool.  Plus, if
>anyone on the list sees them, they will know you are a lister.
>And.... Proceeds go to Dan S.  the List Miester (operator).
>   Just thought I'd drop a note about it since I believe there
>are many left, they go to a good cause, and your not cool unless
>you have one.
>   Todd
>   2-fast Audis both with Audifans Decals on them now.
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  Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244

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