Chris Dyer chrisdyer at
Sat Apr 28 18:00:39 EDT 2001

That sucks!  Oh well, the old adage "buyer beware..."  I've been lucky w/my 
ebay experiences. I think I've completed 3 or 4 transactions.  But every 
time I bit my nails as I waited for the merchandise.

I think all you can do is check their responses and email the people who've 
rated the seller.  But essentially it's just an electronic swap meet, and at 
a swap meet who knows what you're buying. ("Hey, it's my tools that were 
stolen last week! How much?")

>From: "tucker smith" <tuckersmith at>
>To: <quattro at>
>Subject: HELP!
>Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 20:14:23 -0600
>     Thank you so much for your replies. I now find myself embroiled in 
>something of a saga. It seems I have purchased a chip from a fraudulent 
>vender on ebay, a guy called Robert Hack (aptly named?). He had claimed in 
>the auction that this was a chip removed from a MAC-11 ECU programed by Ned 
>Ritchie. He assured me (a HUGE believer in Murphy's Law) that the chip 
>would run in any MAC-11. I just talked to Ned himself on the phone - Ned 
>claims 1.) Never to have heard of Mr. Hack, and 2.) the chip MUST be used 
>in the MAC unit from which it was removed. This all makes better sense now, 
>since the chip itself was utterly virgin - no desoldering evidence at all. 
>My attempts to revisit the ebay auction, #576199778, are now fruitless, as 
>it seems Mr. Hack has deftly covered his tracks!
>     Have you ever heard of a similar story? I am quite confounded, besides 
>now having a broken Audi!
>     Thanks very much,
>     Tucker Smith
>     Jackson Hole, WY

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