<All> Brake Fluid Info

Al Powell powellae at home.com
Sat Apr 28 21:02:50 EDT 2001

After my inquiry, I got some good information on brake fluid. In case 
others care, here's a compilation of wet and dry brake fluid boiling 
points, along with credit to the source:

Sources: Trevor Frank and Mike Guidotti.

Brake Fluid Comparison Chart

Brand		Wet Boiling Point	Dry Boiling Point Street

Castrol SRF		518F				590F
Motul 600		421F				585F
AP-600			410F				572F
ATE-Super Blue	392F				536F
ATE TYP 200              392F				536F
Valvoline		333F				513F
Castrol LMA		311F				446F
Ford HD		290F				550F
Wilwood 570		284F				570F
PFC-Z rated		284F				550F
AP-550			284F				550F
Performance Friction    284F				550F

The fluid I went with:
Valvoline SynPower	343F				502F
$4.48 (K-Mart 4/28/01)

Why did I go that way?  With the reference information sent to me, on 
a Saturday AM, I was confident that this was the best fluid I could 
find in the time available.  Its wet boiling point is higher than the 
Ford Fluid, and the dry temp isn't bad for a standard fluid.  In 
fact, since I've been using Castrol LMF, it out-performs the fluid 
I've been using both wet and dry.  The only place I think you'll find 
the ATE, Motul and others are specialty shops, and I didn't have fast 
access to any of them.

In the emails I got, the Ford HD Fluid was often recommended.  Among 
the specialty fluids, Motul 600 or ATE Super Blue were picks for the 

Here's one comment I received:

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