What seats will fit in a 4000?

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 29 02:33:24 EDT 2001

  YOur right,  the VW - Type 85 difference is maybe 1" if that. 
So its not bad.  Cant use a hammer as you need constant force
but a High lift jack works great to spread the 4kq unit to fit a
VW.  To go the other way, you have to figure a way to pull them
together.  Like those big long screw vises.
  Thanks for the info.

--- Huw Powell <audi at mediaone.net> wrote:
> Type 85: 18 3/4" (87.5 and earlier)
> Type 89: 21 3/4" (88 - 92)
> Not a simple "beat on it with a hammer" difference...

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