Rough Idle - Failed Emissions - 92 100CSQ V6

Elliott Potter epotter at
Sun Apr 29 21:26:55 EDT 2001

Baxcj at wrote:
> Help!  1992 100CSQ has rough idle and failed Colo emissions (HC high only at idle).  Results: HC idle=639 (limit 220), HC 2500rpm=18 (limit 220), CO idle=0.44 (limit 1.20), CO 2500rpm=0.00 (limit 1.20.  CO2 idle=14.9, CO2 2500rpm=15.4.  Before test had oil change and new air filter).  After test had throttle body cleaning, new Bosch spark plug wires, and new Bosch +4 spark plugs.  Still idles rough.  Then check engine (Emission Control System)light came on (but goes off).  Will flash 1-4-4-3-3.  Dealer says code is not in their computer.  Wants to put it on their scanner$$$.  Would someone please look up this code (anyone have a manual for sale)?  Any ideas on the culprit?  TIA.

1) have you replaced your oxygen sensors lately?  If not, do that
first.  What you described sounds a lot like O2 sensors.
2) the blink code should be 4 digits, not 5.  I don't see 1442 or 4433
in the list of blink codes.  Maybe try checking those again?

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