Kumho 712's speed ratings?

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 30 00:45:12 EDT 2001

Some tire companies do this.   But the V-rated Kumho's
supposedly are a little softer sidewalls than the Z-rated but I
cant confirm this.  Sometimes its a tread difference as well. 
Usually companies do this associated with a Tire Aspect ratio
change though.   Wierd,
  I always get the higher but sometimes maybe it doesnt matter.
They are both sure to be great tires, happy cornering.

--- Luke Rickert <rickert at engr.orst.edu> wrote:
> I called a local tire shop yesterday and had them order a set
> of kumho
> 712's for my 4kq (with 15's). Anyway they asked what speed
> rating I
> wanted, I said the lower would be fine since my car can't get
> to 130,
> let alone 180 or whatever the high rating was. Now I have
> started to
> wonder, what is the deal with the same model and size of a
> tire coming
> in two different speed ratings for very similar prices? Does
> anyone have
> any idea what this is about? Is there any reason I should call
> them back
> and get the high rated tire? 
> thanks
> Luke 
> -- 
> Luke Rickert
> www.engr.orst.edu/~rickert

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