da'lan vs uhaul for trailer hitch?

Brett Dikeman quattro at brettd.dsl.speakeasy.net
Mon Apr 30 13:09:04 EDT 2001

Da'Lan has an excellent reputation on the list.  Our old 5000 sports one
that was installed when we got the car; it's survived many, many years of

If it's a quattro, chances are Uhaul will thumb their noses at you(maybe
things are different with the a4 though.)  Part
of DaLan's good reputation is the fact that they make hitches for just
about every Q.

  I've never heard of any problems with their hitches or
business practices.


On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, joel nevin wrote:

> I am thinking of going with the uhaul as there is a
> place just down the street from me that will do it,
> was wondering if anybody has had a uhaul hitch put on
> their baby, more specifically 2.8 A4Q. How well is
> construction/installation?
> I hear Da'lan has ones made for audi, but they are
> about an hour away and scheduling is kind of a pain.
> Joel
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