FS: drivers side 5k/100 n/a EUROLIGHT Re: 89' headlamp assy

JordanVw at aol.com JordanVw at aol.com
Thu Aug 2 13:36:01 EDT 2001

In a message dated 8/2/01 7:18:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
MPWilli at accusort.com writes:

> I am looking for a headlamp assembly for a 1989 - 100, drivers side. I don't 
> know if the 200's had the same type assembly or not. Someone had backed 
> into mine and drove off. Needless to say it does not pass inspection with a 
> hole in it. If you have one for sale please contact me off the list
> Thanks 
> Michael Williams
> (East Coast Mike)
i have a drivers side type44 5k/100  NA eurolight..any interest?


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