tire truing

Brian O' briano_72 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 2 16:21:07 EDT 2001

any experience i have had with flatspotting ( race
track ) the tread is generally cooked anyway, where
the tire compound turns to mush. cuttting the flat
spot out will still leave you with a bad tire that is
                                      brian o'
93 90 cs
90 80
89 80
88 944 turbo s ( for sale )

--- "Lee M. Levitt" <lee at wheelman.com> wrote:
> Burl Vibert <blur at sympatico.ca> writes:
> > If you have a flat spot from a lockup you may be
> able to
> > find a race shop that shaves tires to get this out
> but
> Since I had two tires flatspotted Saturday at an
> autocross training (done by
> an instructor, no less), I posed this question on
> nersolo.org. Was told that
> only new tires get shaved...otherwise, stuff
> embedded in the tread would
> shred the shaving machine blades.
> Lee
> '95.5 S6 avant
> '96 A6 quattro avant

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